The Parking Market: How to Give/Get a Parking Spot at Brooks

The Parking Market: How to Give/Get a Parking Spot at Brooks
Photo by Chris King / Unsplash

Looking for a parking spot at Brooks Tower? Or have one that you’re not using? It seems like every day, someone is asking for a parking spot – short-term, long-term, just for the night – or someone has a parking space for rent. Did you know that Brooks Tower has a parking pool of available spots that you can book in advance – and even, if you’re an owner, have billed to you through AppFolio?

Here’s how it works.

If you have a parking spot that you aren’t using for at least 30 days, you can add it to the parking pool by filling out this form, and get $150 per month. If you end up needing it for a day or two here or there, you can rent it back for just $5 a day – so if you’re only in the building occasionally, it’s a good deal.

If you need a short-term parking spot – for a contractor or guest – you can book a spot by emailing our friend Keith (at, who runs the parking pool. He will email you back with a parking spot number that you can use. Keith does note, however, that there are not always spots available in the pool, and right now the numbers are pretty low. “We have always been on a first come first serve basis with the residents at Brooks,” Keith said, “unless you have a spot in the pool with us.”

Once you’ve heard back from Keith, just roll up to the parking lot door, ring the buzzer, and tell the attendant who you are and that you have reserved a spot through Keith. The cost is $4/hour or $25 for up to 24 hours. (You can also do this in the moment, if you see that the sign at the garage entrance is flipped to “Parking Open.”)

If you are an owner and want to pay for it via your AppFolio account, you just have to fill out this form, and whenever you email Keith for a spot, he’ll bill it to your account. Otherwise, you (or your guest) will pay by credit card with the attendant on the way out of the garage.

The parking attendant booth is staffed 24/7, so there should always be someone there unless they’re making rounds in the parking garage.

There are only about 20 to 25 spots in the “pool” these days, so it’s not guaranteed that there will be a spot available – but if you book in advance you have a better chance.

And if you have a spot that you only use occasionally, think about putting it into the pool. You’ll make $150/month, make your spot available to your BT neighbors, and still be able to use it whenever you want to.