Meet Shayna the Exuberant Chaweenie

Meet Shayna the Exuberant Chaweenie

One thing about Brooks Tower: So many dogs! In Woofs from the Elevator, we sit down with our four-legged neighbors and see what makes them tick – or bark – or spin around and beg for treats.

A little while ago we sat down with Deby the human and Shayna the Chaweenie. We had quite the time talking to this dog, who loves treats, sniffing the floor, doing tricks and many more interesting things. Shayna is now about 7 years old and as active as a puppy. Here's what she had to say:

Woofs from the Elevator: What is your favorite treat?
Shayna: I love to eat anything really, as long as it tastes good, I’ll eat it!

Woofs: What is your favorite thing to do?
Shayna: I love to sniff because it really gives me a sense of what is going on and where people have been

Woofs: Can you do any tricks?
Shayna: Yes! I can twirl, but only one way the other way is just too hard. I can also weave between poles but only if there is a treat.

Woofs: When and how did Deby find you?
Shayna: Deby found me on a summer day in 2018. I had just had puppies but was abandoned by my previous owner.

Woofs: How old are you?
Shayna: I am 7 years old now but Deby has only had me for 4 years.

Woofs: What kind of dog are you?
Shayna: I am a mix between a Chihuahua and Weiner so a Chaweenie

Woofs: What is the origin of your name?
Shayna: My name in Yiddish means beautiful.

Woofs: Where do you like to walk?
Shayna: I love to go anywhere but the dog park. Other dogs just love to get up in my business.

Woofs: How do you feel about the elevators?
Shayna: I actually like the elevators because they have lots of smells and people.

Woofs: What is your favorite toy?
Shayna: I love all of my squirrels because Deby can put them in this little log and I have to get them out. Lots of fun!

Is your four-legged friend ready for their closeup? We're always looking for new dog friends to meet and greet. Ping us at